Chapter 6 “scores” Display

The “scores” display is MultiNav’s main tool for common anomaly detection tasks. This section provides a technical review and demonstration of available parameters. More demonstrations along with detailed explanations are provided in the example sections.

The “scores” display, presents anomaly scores to the analyst for inspection, each anomaly score is displayed in a separate scatter plot. Each point in the scatter plot represents a specific sensor. When the analyst’s hovers over a specific sensor, the matching scores (of the same sensor) from all the other anomaly scores are highlighted (with a larger point and orange color). In addition, the values from the selected sensor are presented layed on top of a functional box plot, which enables to compare the sensor’s readings relative to readings from the other sensors. This display relays on interactivity of linked charts to enable quickly examination of different sensors.

Loading the package and some data.



6.1 Default scores

MultiNav provides several sets of default scores. Details and explanations on each score set can be found in Example I.

6.2 Default univariate scores set

The set of default univariate scores is suitable for initial exploratory data analysis (EDA) and finding univariate anomalies.

Input: The only input required is a continuous multivariate dataset with variables on the same scale. The dataset should be in the format of a data.table, data.frame or matrix. Observations with NA values will be omitted.

MultiNav(data, type = "scores")

6.3 Default multivariate scores

6.3.1 “mv” default

# Extracting data from last 3 days

MultiNav(data.3D,type = "scores", scores = "mv")

6.3.2 “T2_Variations” scores

MultiNav(data.3D,type = "scores", scores = "T2_Variations")

6.4 Custom scores

MultiNav also allows input of custom scores per sensor.

Input: 1) Raw data, continuous multivariate dataset. 2) Dataset of calculated scores for each sensor (up to four different scores).

quantile_25 <- apply(data,2,quantile,probs=0.25,na.rm = TRUE)
median <- apply(data,2,median,na.rm = TRUE)
quantile_75 <- apply(data,2,quantile,probs=0.75,na.rm = TRUE)
mad<- apply(data,2,mad,na.rm = TRUE)
anomaly.scores<- cbind(id=as.numeric(colnames(data)), 
##      id quantile_25   median quantile_75      mad
## 602 602    33.08644 33.96795    41.13540 1.821711
## 608 608    43.84750 51.23000    56.48500 8.925252
## 610 610    34.02000 39.47500    46.03000 8.650971
## 615 615    36.26477 39.83097    44.64344 5.726163
## 617 617    42.03500 48.20000    54.78000 9.377445
## 621 621    43.79750 50.56500    55.00250 9.132816
MultiNav(data,type = "scores", scores = anomaly.scores)

6.5 Custom quantiles

MultiNav also allows input of custom quantiles, used for creating custom functional box plot envalops (instead of the default).

Input: 1) Raw data, continuous multivariate dataset 2) Pre calculated custom quantiles dataset (in the structure of the example below).

##   seq_id   min quantile_a quantile_b median quantile_c quantile_d    max
## 1      1 28.62     29.011     34.113 35.837     38.215     40.919 42.900
## 2      2 28.96     29.718     33.523 36.560     38.663     41.079 43.081
## 3      3 29.06     30.154     33.907 36.833     39.015     41.216 43.254
## 4      4 29.05     30.293     34.312 37.121     39.350     41.326 43.418
## 5      5 29.04     30.245     34.616 37.486     39.727     41.888 43.573
## 6      6 29.13     30.187     34.985 37.814     40.030     42.370 43.719
MultiNav(data,type = "scores", quantiles=quantiles_matrix)

6.6 Examine historical scores

MultiNav also enables to review historical scores per sensor (calculated per “Sliding Temporal Window”). The scores from the last window are presented. When clicking on a point representing a sensor, the display updates. The focus moves to the selected sensor and the sensor’s historical scores are displayed (sliding window scores).

Input: Continuous multivariate data. The window parameter is set. Historical scores per sliding window are calculated.

Note: since scores are calculated for each sensor per each sliding window, this action maybe time consuming!

MultiNav(data,type = "scores", scores = "mv",window=3)

There is also an option for providing calculated scores per sensor per window. The calculated scores dataset should be in the specific format as in the example below.

Note: when providing calculated scores per temporal window, the ‘window’ parameter does not need to be set.

##    id window   T2_mcd50   T2_mcd75 T2_CrouxOllerer T2_SrivastavaDu
## 1 602      1 134.224228  16.172887       13.143718       31.764986
## 2 608      1   7.392593   7.086236        7.338544        3.679985
## 3 610      1  12.618549  13.080255       26.780955       64.062930
## 4 615      1 745.196870 540.777537       14.796287       14.284221
## 5 617      1   7.924094   8.181553        8.188133        4.875164
## 6 621      1   8.754565   6.701607        6.449469        4.858419
MultiNav(data,type = "scores", sliding_scores = scores)

6.7 Examine outliers

Setting the show_diff = TRUE parameter, the “scores” display adds additional functional box plot of the differenced data.It may provide needed insights regarding the nature of the anomaly.

MultiNav(data, type = "scores", scores = "mv",window=3, show_diff = TRUE)

6.8 Functional box plot labels

Setting the parameters xlbl and ylbl will add x and y axis labels for the functional box plot.

MultiNav(data, type = "scores", xlbl = "date id", ylbl = "kg")